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Artificial Discus Fry Nursery
Quick vid of my adaptation of Big Tuck's discus fry keeper to artificially raise discus fry until they are large enough to eat baby brine shrimp.
Переглядів: 56 638


Getting Albino Discus Fry To Attach (Experiment)
Переглядів 21 тис.13 років тому
One of my experiments in getting albino discus fry to attach to their parents. This is the first time that this pair has carried fry. The other times the fry just seem to wander around and attach themselves to the black filter or the heater. So i came up with this plan to make the parents seem darker.
Choosing Ammonia for Fishless Cycle
Переглядів 24 тис.13 років тому
Quick vid on how to choose the correct ammonia to do a fishless cycle. 1) Make sure it says 100% Ammonia 2) Make sure it is not scented. 3) Make sure it has no surfactants!
How I Clean Out My Blackworm Keeper.
Переглядів 8 тис.14 років тому
By request. A vid to show how i keep my wormkeeper and blackworms clean.
Electric Blue Rams Spawning
Переглядів 6 тис.15 років тому
I catch my electric blue rams in the act. Cool stuff. Check out my website to follow my breeding journal.
Huge Reidi Spawn In my DIY Kreisel Tank
Переглядів 16 тис.15 років тому
I came to work to a huge.... HUGE surprise. There must be close to 800 or so babies.
Baby Reidi Seahorses in Kreisel Tank
Переглядів 10 тис.15 років тому
Here's an updated vid of the kreisel tank. I added a HOB fuge, mini chiller, misc. bits of cardboard to block light and a light source at the bottom of the kreisel to encourage the ponies to stay away from the surface and swim to the bottom.
My Daphnia Culture - Feeding with dissolved yeast
Переглядів 19 тис.15 років тому
Just a quick vid of my daphnia culture in a 2-1/2 gal tank. I squirt some dissolved yeast to feed them.
How To Wean Wild Fish Onto Flake
Переглядів 1,6 тис.15 років тому
I make a quick video showing the technique that I use to wean a wild altum off live food and onto dry food. More fishy info & vids at
Betta Macrostoma Courting
Переглядів 2,5 тис.16 років тому
I sneak up on the teenagers trying to get busy through the screen. But as soon as they see me and realize they are busted, they act like nothin is happening. For more info on Betta Macrostoma breeding, check out my website
Tiny Betta Macrostoma Fry in 2-1/2 gal tank.
Переглядів 2,1 тис.16 років тому
Here's a short vid of my Betta Macrostoma fry in their 2-1/2 gal brood tank. They will be transfered to a 10 gal as soon as they are weaned off live food and start begging for dry food. Tank is bare bottomed for easy maintainability. Their bellies are nice and orange with Baby Brine Shrimp BBS. Just the way i like em! For more info on Betta Macrostoma, check out my website
Baby Reidi Seahorses
Переглядів 1,6 тис.16 років тому
Close up and size comparison of 3 day old Reidi fry.
Baby Reidi Fry in DIY Kreisel
Переглядів 10 тис.16 років тому
Finished the Kreisel just in time... my male Reidi released his babies and now they get to try my brand spanking new DIY Kreisel.
DIY Kreisel Tank for Seahorses or Larval Fish
Переглядів 25 тис.16 років тому
I use a 5 gal water cooler jar to make a Kreisel tank for my Reidi Seahorses or any larval fish.
My C. Patzcuarensis totally "Doing it"
Переглядів 1,5 тис.17 років тому
Fast fwd to 1 min to see some major thrusting action =p.
YZF600R for Sale (sold!!)
Переглядів 13 тис.17 років тому
YZF600R for Sale (sold!!)
Vinegar Eels
Переглядів 13 тис.17 років тому
Vinegar Eels
Walterworms / Microworms
Переглядів 14 тис.17 років тому
Walterworms / Microworms
Holding Mac
Переглядів 3,4 тис.17 років тому
Holding Mac


  • @cliftonmartinez9621
    @cliftonmartinez9621 3 роки тому

    How and where did you get the the black valves you punched into your irrigation tubing. I have shut of valves and flexible airline . Idk where and how to find the peace that you pushed into the irrigation pipe. I don't understand why it doest leak. Where you pushed them in. When you swivel them around

  • @TorryGood
    @TorryGood 4 роки тому

    I just added the walmart brand ammonia then just saw the video. I just did 100% water change and jumped out the water in the filter. I really hope the bacteria is fine

  • @ow8792
    @ow8792 4 роки тому

    Wheres the fry? Theres the fryy

  • @caniaccharlie
    @caniaccharlie 4 роки тому

    Shit, after reading a couple articles and watching a couple videos, all stating they used "supermarket" ammonia, I of course used the wrong kind... Then again, I'm only using a tiny amount, so is it really anything to worry about? Especially after a water change or two to get nitrates down, before adding fish?

    @THERE.IS.NO.DEATH. 4 роки тому

    awesome about to go to the store and shake some up haha thanks

  • @tomsmith5456
    @tomsmith5456 4 роки тому

    I did exactly this and to my surprise it worked like a charm, I’m in the Uk , what I did to find out how many drops to add was to put a measured 10 litres of water in a container and I found out that 4 drops gave me 2/3 ppm with my API test kit , so I based my ammonia additions on that ie a 40 litre tank took about 16 drops , anyway the tank cycled in a few weeks ..You can do your own tests and decide for yourself how much 10% ammonia solution to add ..It works ...The brand I used was “Knock Out” household ammonia but what ever you use make sure it doesn’t have any other additions to it , the foam test we see here is a good indicator...But test your water every day until it’s showing no ammonia and no nitrite , keep adding the ammonia every time it drops to 0 ppm ..And try to be patient it takes time unless of course you know another aquarist with a dirty sponge.

    • @aytherial
      @aytherial 4 роки тому

      Tom Smith how many times should you add more ammonia when it reaches 0 ppm? Also, how many drops to you think I need in a 10 gallon?

    • @tomsmith5456
      @tomsmith5456 4 роки тому

      Aether ..Add ammonia every time test shows 0 to 1 ppm ammonia, keep on adding each day If ammonia shows 0 ppm , DONT add if it still show 2 ppm or over , wait until it drops to 1 ppm or less ..You keep this up until BOTH ammonia AND nitrite show 0 ppm , then your tank is cycled , you should then do a partial water change because the NITRATE will be showing, then you can add two or three fish at first , Danios would be a good choice they are fairly hardy ,whatever you add make it VERY few at first ..10 US gallons I’m not sure we use litres in the UK ..but measure 1US gallon and add a few drops ammonia and test it until you get a reading of 4 ppm, then base your amounts on that ie 10 times what you found in 1gallon , count the drops to achieve 4 ppm in 1 US gallon ..Good luck ...It takes patience and time that’s the key word lol ...Seachem Stability should help with the bacteria, use as instructed on bottle ..I did ..Also it seems to take ages for that ammonia to drop , but hang on in there .

  • @Myoldaccount-mu7of
    @Myoldaccount-mu7of 4 роки тому

    How much per gallon shoyld be used? Or, how high should the ppm be before it's considered high enough?

  • @Myoldaccount-mu7of
    @Myoldaccount-mu7of 4 роки тому

    I bought a small bottle of ammonium hydroxide at Ace Hardware for 2.50.

  • @MarcassCarcass
    @MarcassCarcass 5 років тому

    That's not 100% ammonia, probably 10%. Anyhow, what about ammonium chloride vs ammonium hydroxide? I'm thinking chloride would be okay for salt water, but perhaps hydroxide would be good for freshwater, although, I'm not sure. Hydroxide is a base so you might want to make sure you drop the pH below 7 before you add it. Chloride is an acid.

  • @bradlarson2528
    @bradlarson2528 5 років тому

    How much ammonia do you use per gallon?

    • @tomsmith5456
      @tomsmith5456 4 роки тому

      Brad Larson ..That’s what theAPI master test kit is for ..Measure 1gallon into a container and add say 4 drops , test for ammonia, it will tell you how many PPM you have , aim for 4 ppm as a guide , if it’s lower add a couple more drops , test again until you get a reading of approx 4 ppm in that one gallon , all the time counting the total number of drops you’ve added , then you know how many drops to add to ten gallons , just ten times what it took for one gallon .

  • @MeisjeLief88
    @MeisjeLief88 5 років тому

    Hi! If you’re not 100% sure whether your ammonia is safe for your tank then get some pure ammoniumchloride (pure means no additives added) ammoniumchloride is completely safe so you’re not taking any risks. Remember 4.5 grams of ammoniumchloride (1 flat teaspoon) per 100 gallons brings ammonia concentration to 4ppm (4 mg per L). I had such a hard time finding ammonia here in europe because none of the bottles showed the ingredients so i wasnt completely sure if it was completely safe, i ended up buying a bottle of ammonia but i didnt use it cause i didnt want to take the risk. You can find pure ammoniumchloride online, i bought it for 3 euros.

  • @MrChrisLutchman
    @MrChrisLutchman 5 років тому

    What do you make your discus fry food with?

  • @CHIBA280CRV
    @CHIBA280CRV 5 років тому

    Fantastic thanks

  • @CrowntailHalfmoon
    @CrowntailHalfmoon 6 років тому

    Hey Mark Can you explain what's egg yolk formulae you feed?

  • @dr.geonigermansoundaram6405
    @dr.geonigermansoundaram6405 6 років тому

    What colour light we should prefer to make parent black sir?

  • @rearweelrider9988
    @rearweelrider9988 6 років тому

    Paint bottom and 3 sides of tank black and thay will see the pearints

  • @slickchick5811
    @slickchick5811 6 років тому

    welp, sticking your nose over ammonia isn't the most well advised thing...

  • @ladygoji7754
    @ladygoji7754 6 років тому

    I recently got some clear ammonia from the store (There isn't an ACE anywhere near me) so I had to settle with a different brand. I shook it really hard and didn't notice any bubbles, is it safe to assume that i can use it to start my cycle? There's no ingredients on it at all, so I really have no clue if it's good or not. It's Laura Lynn clear ammonia.

    • @slickchick5811
      @slickchick5811 6 років тому

      should be good, Ace sells the soap free stuff.

  • @maedimahdalena524
    @maedimahdalena524 6 років тому

    what is the use of this aquarium for the maintenance of sea horses

  • @Thaumatichthys
    @Thaumatichthys 6 років тому

    can this be used to breed shrimp

  • @FolkyPolky27
    @FolkyPolky27 6 років тому

    Thank you; this was so helpful!!!!

  • @mmmJellySandwich
    @mmmJellySandwich 7 років тому

    do you still have this set up going?

  • @rohans3447
    @rohans3447 7 років тому

    what can i feed my thumbnail size discus fry

  • @edunavea3
    @edunavea3 7 років тому

    its work?

  • @Boytrantampq240688
    @Boytrantampq240688 7 років тому

    Hi brother. What do we need to grow baby seahorses. Eg pH, salinity, temperature, etc. As well as how to make a baby seahorse tank is perfect. How water must be recirculated. How oxygen is enough. I have made oxygen flow from the bottom but it affects the seahorses that hurt them. And I fed them 5 days, they died about 60-80%. And they seem weak, flexing their body, lying on the bottom of the tank, ... I hope you help me. Special thanks.

  • @charleswdowd
    @charleswdowd 7 років тому

    I bought a bottle of Giant brand Ammonia. There were not ingredients listed on the bottle and I shook it up really hard and didn't see any bubbles at all so I bought it. I later went to the company website where they do have an ingredients list and it said Ammonium Hydroxide and Surfactant. I already added about 1/4 cup to my 65 gallon tank. Are the Surfactants going to screw me up? Should I drain the tank and start over?

    • @krazenes
      @krazenes 6 років тому

      I am curious to see what your results were with this ammonia? What was your solution?

    • @melanier-f2799
      @melanier-f2799 6 років тому

      yo what happened??

  • @honestabe4760
    @honestabe4760 7 років тому


  • @xxXXxx-te2if
    @xxXXxx-te2if 8 років тому

    as rediculous as this sounds , i am beginning to think that its better to just use urine. i need to go to the std clinic though, i dont wanna give my fish chlamydia ....

  • @xxXXxx-te2if
    @xxXXxx-te2if 8 років тому

    thank you so much for this. it helps alot

  • @adamadi6291
    @adamadi6291 8 років тому

    am a discus guy like you :) thanks for tips and advice

  • @tvaquarium69
    @tvaquarium69 8 років тому

    i pee in my tank free ammonia

    • @Lloyd_Christmas11
      @Lloyd_Christmas11 6 років тому

      Humans don't pee ammonia. We dispose of our nitrogenous wastes in the form of urea.

    • @BigClayBoi
      @BigClayBoi 5 років тому

      @@Lloyd_Christmas11 its a joke.

  • @riselotus
    @riselotus 8 років тому

    Shaking I don't think so!!! No not like that !!!!

  • @scottdavis7743
    @scottdavis7743 8 років тому

    What is egg yoke solution you use?

  • @aaronle2398
    @aaronle2398 8 років тому

    I have a hard time for my fry attaching to the parents, should I leave the hang on filter on during fry wriggler, or turn it off, any help would appreciated.

  • @NMW80
    @NMW80 8 років тому

    im in Australia and cant get clear ammonia :( this country sucks ,your lucky u live in the states as you can pre much get what u like

  • @Kenney9120
    @Kenney9120 9 років тому

    Can ammonia be used to prepare the tank for specific bio loads? Could you use it in increasing levels to get the bacteria built up to a specific level based on what the fish will produce? I just learned about the fishless cycle. nce the tank is cycled and the ammonia is processed do you need to do a water change before adding your first fish?

  • @kevinokeefe7796
    @kevinokeefe7796 9 років тому

    I just shook my ammonia and it bubbled up I already dosed it one time will I be ok if I don't use it again

  • @tackjibe
    @tackjibe 9 років тому

    Do you still use this method? You don't say if these fry grew to adults. Were you successful?

  • @willie346
    @willie346 9 років тому

    Great idea. I drop the water a lot lower, down to the point where the top of the dorsal breaks the water, so about another 50%. I also take out the sponge filter, since I find they attach better without any agitation from aeration. But will definitely try to methylene blue next time. Thanks.

  • @Kapybaraaa
    @Kapybaraaa 9 років тому

    Is it bad to fishless cycle with plants? Because I heard that the bacteria and plants can compete for the ammonia thus causing not enough bacteria to grow

    • @xxXXxx-te2if
      @xxXXxx-te2if 8 років тому

      if your plants are eating the ammonia and converting it into nitrite , then it doesn't matter if you don't have enough bacteria because the plants will do the bacteria's job

    • @patchj1
      @patchj1 5 років тому

      Most of the time the soils that are used in planted tanks will start the cycle. Once the Ammonia drops to zero. Add more ammonia to the tank. If the Ammonia reads zero the next day then your tank is pretty much cycled. At that point I would do a water change and slowly start adding fish. Planted tanks are awesome for this reason and more research should be done if you’re starting a planted tank.

  • @the1000expert
    @the1000expert 9 років тому

    video no help whatsoever.

  • @lawrencebader9399
    @lawrencebader9399 10 років тому

    fuck... my bottle says "Surfactant" and it bubbles. Your video saved my new tank bro. I was about to us it. Thank you

    • @lawrencebader9399
      @lawrencebader9399 10 років тому

      Wooooo! ACE IS THE PLACE with the helpful hardware man! ... and Ace's Janitorial Strength Formula Ammonia.

  • @CycleOgicProductions
    @CycleOgicProductions 10 років тому

    Grow a pair or something!

  • @stevegaucibaluci
    @stevegaucibaluci 10 років тому

    Can u use this setup and also feed brine shrimp to discus (when they a few days older) when they are in the coffee filter? Or will the brine shrimp pass through the coffee filter? I thank you in advance for ur help.

    • @richardpohl7091
      @richardpohl7091 5 років тому

      Btw they make adapter pieces to thread into your pvc you could have ran your pump right through the scaffolding and threaded a manifold for your water lines its in the same section you got your valves at lowes

  • @mohdinkhyata954
    @mohdinkhyata954 10 років тому

    Nice video.

  • @NeonAera
    @NeonAera 10 років тому

    I have the great value clear ammonia from walmart that is about 2-3 years old now that I haven't used much at all.. and it has surfactants listed on it's ingredients.. BUT the weird thing is, the ammonia does not foam! I tested the jug by shaking it real good, but it does not foam up. What's up with that? Does that mean it's safe? Or maybe it's expired, that is why it doesn't foam? Can I use it?

    • @bugs181
      @bugs181 10 років тому

      It's unclear if you've watched the video because your question was answered. Hopefully my comment will make this very clear for you and others; YOU DO NOT WANT SCENTED YOU DO NOT WANT SURFACTANTS YOU DO NOT WANT BUBBLES. IF IT CONTAINS ANY OF THE ABOVE, IT MEANS THAT IT IS NOT PURE AMMONIA. It doesn't matter how long it's sat. Just because it doesn't bubble doesn't mean that it no longer contains surfactants. It just means those particular surfactants may be dormant.

    • @NeonAera
      @NeonAera 10 років тому

      Thanks for replying, I just wanted to ask to make sure. I'm definitely not using it. I got pure ammonia now.

  • @williammclean6144
    @williammclean6144 10 років тому

    Hi, I have copied your set up and have successfully raised a batch of Albino Yellow Crystals, ( if I let the parents raise them they wouldn't attach ), may I say thank you for sharing your ingenious method with everyone. If I could ask you one question, what size of nursery / grow out tank do you put the fry into after removing them from this device and what set up do you use like, what filter, tank size, water volume and so on, again many thanks.

  • @paul5276
    @paul5276 10 років тому

    Sn9696 As time passes people learn new tricks It's great that we can figure short cuts along the way.

  • @jasonmontanye1072
    @jasonmontanye1072 11 років тому

    Hello seen your presentation my discus are always laying eggs and I am trying to get my discus fry to survive most I had them live is about a week what kind of egg solution do you use?

  • @zofyzofyzofy
    @zofyzofyzofy 11 років тому

    I think the tank is far too big. I had big tanks like yours and i lost fry. Now my tanks are smaller namely 45*45*45 and the fry attach themselves to the parents much more easily. Lowering the water level os a great idea though. It works just fine with me too.